ESOP Office Locations

SES ESOP Strategies serves clients throughout the U.S. from multiple office locations.

In addition to the offices listed below, our affiliated law firm, Stevens & Lee, and our affiliated FINRA-licensed investment bank, Griffin Financial Group, are part of The Stevens & Lee Companies, which serve clients from 19 office locations, primarily in the Mid-Atlantic region.

Our lawyers and professionals have provided ESOP feasibility, design, implementation, financing and legal services to hundreds of clients throughout the country for nearly three decades. A premier team of ESOP attorneys, consultants and advisors, we pride ourselves on client satisfaction and we will work hard for you, no matter your company’s location. If you are considering an ESOP as a tool for ownership transition or you are hoping to maintain or grow your existing ESOP, we can help.

Please contact us today!

Bala Cynwyd, PA
555 City Avenue
Suite 1170
Bala Cynwyd, PA  19004
P: 215.508.1600
F: 215.508.2500

Rochester, NY
145 Culver Road, Suite 100
Rochester, NY  14620
P: 585.238.3568
F: 877.862.2407

Dallas-Fort Worth, TX
306 West 7th Street, Suite 1025
Fort Worth, TX  76102
P: 817.566.1013

Reading, PA
111 North Sixth Street
Reading, PA  19601
P: 610.478.2000
F: 610.376.5610

Fort Lauderdale, FL
2881 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Suite 316
Fort Lauderdale, FL  33306
P: 215.508.5634
F: 215.508.2500

Boston, MA
99 Summer Street, 11th Floor
Boston, MA  02110
P: 617.603.8960

Bergen County, NJ
669 River Drive, Suite 201
Elmwood Park, NJ  07407
P: 201.857.6760
F: 201.857.6761

Harrisburg, PA
17 North Second Street, 16th Floor
Harrisburg, PA  17101
P: 717.234.1090

P: 215.508.7707

Raleigh, NC
9121 Anson Way, Suite 200
Raleigh, NC  27615
P: 919.200.0912